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Want Healthier Gums? Include these Foods in your Diet

We all are health conscious. Aren’t we? Most of us have a diet in place, do regular exercises, and also make frequent visits to our doctors. But, how mindful are we about our dental health? Most of us feel brushing teeth is all that needs to be done to keep our mouth healthy. But, is that enough? Gums are an essential part of the mouth. And, they need to be taken care of to keep them pink and healthy. A nutritious diet can help maintain gum health. So, we need to include proper food for healthy gums in our diet. Along with regular dental visits, we must take a step towards making our gums healthier by including these food items in our diet.

Greens Are Good for Gums

Leafy greens are not only good for your gums but are also beneficial for your overall health. They are high in fibre and require serious chewing that helps keep the mouth clean. Chewing stimulates saliva secretion that neutralizes bacteria inside the mouth. Leafy greens such as spinach, celery, and kale promote good oral health. They are filled with vitamin B and calcium that are essential to maintaining good oral health. Having salads is the best way to ensure the intake of leafy vegetables in your diet.

Dairy Products Are a Must

Milk, cheese, and yogurt have high calcium content, which not only strengthens your bones but are also great for your gums. Dairy products contain bone-fortifying calcium and are packed with protein casein, which reduces acid levels in the mouth. Increased acid levels in the mouth can be harmful to the tooth enamel and gum tissue. Proper intake of dairy products in your diet will help in strengthening your gums and prevent damage.

Add Some Healthy Crunch to Your Diet

Crunchy snacks have carbohydrates that can become food for acid generating bacteria and can erode the tooth enamel. Healthy crunchy fruits and vegetables are high in fibre and promote saliva production, thereby flushing out bacteria and clearing away plaque that clings to gums and teeth. An addition of good crunchy food items like carrot, apple, and bell peppers spurs a cleansing action inside the mouth and prevents the erosion of tooth enamel.

Gums Like Vitamin C

Vitamin C boosts the production of red blood cells that reduces inflammation and also fights against various gum diseases. It plays a vital role in the synthesis of collagen. Vegetables like bell peppers and citrus fruits like oranges, strawberries, kiwis, and pineapple are an excellent source of Vitamin C. If you are facing dental problems such as bleeding gums, make sure you consume foods rich in Vitamin C for healthier gums.

You cannot have healthy gums without proper oral care and gum friendly foods. Your diet must include these foods for healthy gums and other nutritious items that improve your gum health. Want to know more about gum health? Here are some tips to keep your gums healthier.