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What is considered a dental emergency?

Its 3 AM in the morning and you’re jolted by a severe toothache. You try to calm down but the pain is pulsating through your jaw and you can’t seem to be getting anywhere near calm. Panicking with the pain, you make yourself an ice-pack and now you have to wait until the morning for a dental visit. Occurrences like these can happen at the most unexpected moments and catch you off-guard. But how do you know if this toothache is an emergency to be addressed quickly? There are certain problems that appear without a notice and leave you in agony unless an emergency dental clinic is nearby.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is any problem that shows up without any prior signs or symptoms. Dental emergencies can be caused by either an accident or by an underlying dental issue that has not been taken care of in the lack of diagnoses or symptoms. Any dental emergency must be addressed by a dental professional as soon as possible or there might be risks to your dental health that can cost you a lot. The most common dental emergencies can be a severe toothache caused by cavities or decay and a sudden pain in the jaw due to a dental abscess.

What dental problems can be considered a dental emergency?

Avulsed tooth

An avulsed tooth is a tooth that has been knocked out of the jaw. It damages the internal pulp and nerves of the jaw, causing a sharp pang of pain in the jaw and the gingival tissue. An avulsed tooth also causes heavy bleeding that has to be addressed in time to save the tissues and nerves so they can support the tooth when placed back in the socket.

Lost crown or filling

If a dental implant or a root canal filling falls off, it leaves the underlying tissues exposed. A lost root canal filling might also cause some bleeding and you may experience heightened sensitivity in the tooth and jaws.

Cracked or broken tooth

Accidents can happen at any time, and sometimes you receive trauma to the tooth. A tooth broken partially can cause a lot of pain as it exposes the root of the tooth and also damages the surrounding tissues and nerves. If the tooth is replaced in time, the tissues, nerves, and jawbone can be saved from permanent damage.

Dislodged tooth

dislodged tooth loses its hold on the jaw bone and gums either due to trauma or decay. If the tooth is still fresh and is connected to the nerves, it can be saved with a quick dental visit. If the tooth has decayed, it must be replaced in time to save any extensive damage to the tissues and jawbone.

Bleeding gums

If you have a gingival bleeding problem, plaque build-up can cause sudden bleeding. Sometimes, an extracted tooth takes time to heal and the gum starts to bleed suddenly from the place of the extracted tooth. In diabetic people, blood clotting takes time and can cause a lot of blood loss if the gums start bleeding.

In a dental emergency, you always need the help of a dentist so you can prevent escalation of the dental issue. Visit our dental emergency team at Downtown Dental and our dentists will do their best to prevent any more pain.

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