Categories: Dental News

Things You Should Know Before Getting Veneers

You’re probably reading this article because you’re interested in getting whiter teeth and a better smile. Well, you are just reading the right article to gain some insight into veneers. Dental veneers are shells that are composed of porcelain or composite material that are made to fit over a tooth surface. Veneers can be used to correct issues liked cracked or chipped teeth, and improve the appearance of your smile. It is used by dentists all around the globe to enhance smiles. Here are the top things you should know about veneers!

Complete a Dental Checkup First

Before installing veneers, you need to undergo a complete dental examination. The purpose behind this is to find any other dental issues that need to be addressed before you move ahead with veneers. This can include cavity filling or replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant. The goal behind this is to ensure that there no factors that would diminish the benefits associated with the veneers.

Sacrifice a Part of the Enamel

During the preparation of the veneers, a part of it involves removing some of the natural tooth enamel. The tooth enamel is removed to ensure that the adhesive can work properly to keep the veneers in place to bond properly with the teeth.

You receive temporary veneers during the making process of the permanent one. Once your teeth are prepared for the veneers, the next step is to supply you with a set of temporary veneers until the installment of permanent veneers. The reason for providing temporary veneers is that the permanent set is custom designed for each patient. Once the permanent veneers are ready, you need to visit the dentist for a second appointment to have the permanent veneers installed carefully. At the end of the visit, your teeth will look better than they have in years.

Maintain Oral Hygiene for Veneers to Last Long

Though the colour of the veneer will not change due to the material used to make it, your oral care also contributes towards healthy-looking teeth. It is necessary to brush and floss regularly to remove plaque and other residues between the teeth. Good dental hygiene will extend the life of the veneers and keep up your great looking smile.

Expect the Veneers to Last Up to Two Decades

According to the dentists’, your veneers would last for 15-20 years. Even if one veneer is damaged, it can be replaced with relative ease.

Veneers are more than just a form of cosmetic dentistry. Along with improving your smile, they also protect your teeth from additional damage. Visit a dentist to determine if this cosmetic solution is right for you.

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Rapid Boost