Categories: Dental News

Things to Consider When Eating While Wearing Braces

Correcting your smile requires time, patience and money but the results can be life-changing. Braces are a kind of investment to correct your smile. It is a long-term investment for TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint) therapy. However, it can only be effective when they have properly cared. Certain foods have to be avoided. Eating wrong foods can not only cause you discomfort but makes you at risk of breaking your brackets or wires. That will increase your treatment time and add to your unscheduled trips with your orthodontists. We will help you to understand the things to consider when eating while wearing braces.

Consume Tooth-Friendly Foods

Eating a healthy diet is a good idea even if you don’t have braces. However, your food choices are limited if you got braces. You need to carefully consider your choices, especially if you are a junk-food eater. You should consider consuming the following tooth-friendly foods.

  • Soft-foods- berries, oranges, grapefruit, bananas, and kiwi.
  • Steamed vegetables and meat.
  • Dairy products like- cheese, yogurt, fruit smoothie, oatmeal, and eggs.

Avoid Hard to Chew Foods

Hard to chew foods are the biggest threat to your braces. It snaps the wires of your braces and dislodges brackets. Here are some foods that should never be eaten whole.

  • Hard candy
  • Ice cubes
  • Nuts
  • Popcorn
  • Unsliced raw vegetables and fruits

Slice the Fruits Before Consumption

There are many fruits and vegetables (carrots and apples) that are hard and healthy. It still has to be consumed for oral health hygiene. The best way to eat the fruits and vegetables is to slice or dice them into smaller pieces. Slicing and dicing them into smaller pieces will make it easier to eat and reduce the chance of dislodging braces.

Avoid Eating Sticky Foods

Stick food always dislodge braces. It always you hard to chew. Chewy foods tend to make your braces look stained and unattractive. Here are some sticky foods to avoid while eating.

  • Chewing gum
  • Caramel
  • Taffy
  • Chocolates and candies filled with caramel

Avoid Chewing on Inedible Items

Break the habit of chewing on inedible items such as pencils, crayons or fingernails. To ensure the effective treatment of your braces on your teeth, you need to change your habits and activities that can cause the orthodontic appliances to break. If your braces are related to your TMJ therapy, then it is advised to not chew on inedible items as it can affect the bite relationship.

Avoid Sugary Foods and Drinks

Orthodontic appliances such as braces can exacerbate the decay process because food particles can easily get stuck to the braces. Food particles like sugary foods can expedite the decay process. It makes it crucial to think about the sugar content while you are eating. It is important to brush or rinse with water after every meal to remove the food particles captured on the brackets and between teeth. Here are some sugary beverages and foods to avoid.

  • Milk
  • Soda
  • Breath Mints
  • Iced tea
  • Jam and jelly
  • Cereals

Damaged braces mean extra appointments and prolonging of treatment(s). You need to take care of our braces and put into practice the above-addressed points to prevent any damage on your braces. Visiting your orthodontist regarding your issue with the braces is essential. If you have any questions about how to care for your braces or the TMJ therapy, you may visit a dental clinic to assist you.

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Rapid Boost