Clinical Advice and Oral Health Tips

Teeth Whitening At Home Or In-Office

There is nothing like pearly white teeth that radiates happiness and boosts confidence. With teeth discoloration being a widely common problem, it comes as no surprise that many are opting for whitening procedures. Stains can appear either on the surface of your teeth or from inside your teeth. Teeth whitening or bleaching helps in treating these stains to provide you with shiny white teeth. The process involves applying a bleaching solution to your teeth, which attacks the stain causing organic molecules and whitens your teeth. Teeth whitening can be done at home or at the dentist’s office, using a variety of products and techniques. Whichever method you opt for, it is best to consult a dentist.

In-home Teeth Whitening or Bleaching

There are several over the counter whitening products available to improve your teeth appearance at home. In spite of having a low concentration of bleach, these products can be highly effective over time if used as directed. They are quite effective in removing stains that occur on the surface of your teeth. Teeth whitening products available include:

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste contains chemicals and ingredients that remove surface stains and plaque. Use them as directed or as prescribed by the dentist to gently brush your teeth. This will gradually whiten your teeth. Unlike bleaching, they cannot change the actual color of your teeth and may cause teeth sensitivity.

Whitening Strips and Gels 

Whitening strips resemble clear adhesive bandages that can be put on your teeth for around 30 minutes twice a day for a week or two. Whitening gels are usually applied on teeth and sometimes left overnight.

Whitening Rinses

Whitening rinses gradually whiten your teeth and also prevent new stains after you whiten your teeth. All you have to do is swirl it around in your mouth for a minute and rinse it.

Whitening Trays

These trays are filled with gels that you can fit over your teeth. While they can whiten your teeth, these trays are sold with in-home kits and have the tendency to irritate your gums.

Professional Teeth Whitening or Bleaching

Professional whitening provides the best results if you want perfectly white colored teeth or get rid of tough stains. It involves the use of gels with a powerful concentration of bleaching agents that are applied to your teeth and left on for about an hour. A heat or light source (LED or sometimes laser) may also be used to assist the bleaching action. While results will be immediate, you may be asked to take certain precautions for the next few hours. Professional whitening is usually completed within a single visit. However, you must maintain oral hygiene to retain the results.

Teeth whitening or bleaching at home or in-chair highly depends on the level of your teeth discoloration. If the discoloration is basic, caused by staining food and beverages or poor oral habits, you may consider using in-home products with complete oral care. However, it is best to consult a dentist to examine the stains and help you choose the best whitening procedure.