Cavities are the bane of dental health. They occur because food particles along with bacteria create an acid. The bacteria and the acid eat into the outer shell of the tooth, eventually, causing the gum and root nerve to decay.

If the pulp is not treated, it results in a severe pain for you, you will lose the tooth and your gum will be infected.

Notice you have a cavity on your tooth? Here’s what can be done.

Reduce the Sugar Intake

Yes, your parents were right about candy and chocolates causing cavities. One of the biggest causes for the acidic creation in your mouth, which leads to the cavity, is sugar. As sugar is broken down by the bacteria, a Fbyproduct is created that is the acid.

Increase Salt Intake

Salt has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It eases pain and stops the growth of bacteria. Mix two tablespoons of salt in a glass water. Swish the salt solution in your mouth. Try to focus on the area with the cavity.

Brush and Floss your Teeth

The cavity is caused by food particles that remain in your mouth. Thorough brushing and flossing of your teeth can be an effective way to remove these food particles, and dealing with the bacteria and acids. Food that is jammed between teeth is not removed by a brush, so it is vital that you floss.


If you visit a dentist, which you should, a filling will be added to the tooth to stop the decay. First, the dentist cleans the area, removing the tooth debris from the cavity. The filling can be of an amalgam filling, which is a mixture of metals, or a composite resin filling. A composite filling is used for the teeth in front of the mouth. As the color of composite filling can be shade, it blends in your mouth, making the filling unnoticeable.

Crowning a Tooth

If the tooth has decayed quite a bit, it can become broken. In such a case, a crown is added to the tooth. This restores a balanced bite to the tooth and further protects it from acid and bacteria.

Dental crowns may be used along with bridgework to help remove any gaps that may be created by inserting the crown.

Root Canal Treatment

If the cavity has touched the gum, then your root nerve may be infected. A sure sign of this is a terrible and frequent toothache. A root canal treatment is a last resort treatment to save the tooth. The root nerve is a removed. Since much of the tooth has decayed, a crown is attached to protect the tooth from any other damage.

There are multiple ways to treat a cavity. If you find that you have one, visit Downtown Dental and get treated immediately.

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