Clinical Advice and Oral Health Tips

Braces Or Invisalign: Which Should You Pick?

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Braces and Invisalign are two types of devices appliances available for straightening your teeth. Although both aim at aligning your teeth, most people face confusion when faced with a choice of braces or invisalign. Ultimately you would want to pick the one that is best suited to your case and that gives you long-term results. While both serve the same purpose, there are many differences that help you pick the best as per your preference.

What are Braces and Invisalign?

Being the most common teeth straightening appliance, braces have been around for years. Braces include metal brackets, wires and rubber bands for aligning your teeth. Brackets are bonded to your front teeth and wires are passed through it. Tightening the wires creates tension on the teeth, making them gradually move to the desired position.

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Invisalign is a new alternative to braces. Unlike braces, they are a removable appliance similar to teeth guards that fit over your teeth. Because of their transparent look, they are widely popular amongst people who do not want to compromise on their looks. These technology generated trays are made of smooth, comfortable, BPA free plastic, which, when worn over your teeth align them to the desired position.


As braces consist of metal wires and brackets they are silver appliances visible on your teeth. Nowadays you have colorful brackets to choose from, or you can chose the brackets to match your teeth enamel. You can also have lingual braces that are fixed behind your teeth. However, because of their position, they can provide a slow treatment. On the other hand, invisalign is invisible. They are made of plastic that is virtually invisible, leaving you with a natural appearance.


Braces remain bonded to your teeth as long as the treatment is on. Maintaining oral hygiene can be tough with braces because food can get stuck with wires and brackets in your mouth. In order to maintain your oral hygiene as well as your braces, you need to follow a strict oral care routine. Invisalign are removable appliances, which makes it easier to clean and maintain your oral hygiene. You can remove aligners when eating, brushing and flossing. With the help of invisalign cleaning kit, you can brush your aligner trays and rinse them in lukewarm water to keep them clean.


Braces can cause discomfort, pain, and sores from wires, brackets and tooth movement. You also cannot eat sticky and hard foods because they can break your braces. Moreover, braces can also cause tooth discoloration. On the other hand, invisalign do not cause any discomfort or sores. You are also free to eat all the food you love because they can be removed while eating.

Ideal For

While minor issues can be treated by other appliances, braces can treat several complex issues like the rotation of canine or premolars, vertical movement of teeth, complex misalignment and bite issues. Invisalign is apt for minor misalignments or crowding. They may not be an option if you face a complex issue.

Treatment Period

While both treatments depend on the complexity of the issue, discipline can also determine the treatment period. As braces are fixed to your teeth, there is no problem with the discipline. It usually takes an average of 2 years. Invisalign typically takes less amount of time as compared to braces. For timely results, you must wear them for 20-22 hours daily. Because of their removable nature, they are prone to lack of discipline in wearing them for the recommended time, resulting in a lengthy treatment.

While both serve the purpose of teeth alignment, these differences can help you pick the best from braces or invisalign. While invisalign allows you to keep your natural appearance, they may not be an option for complex issues. It is best to consult a dentist to provide you with the best choice depending on your case.