Clinical Advice and Oral Health Tips

Bleeding Gums: Should You Be Worried?

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If you spotted some blood on your toothbrush while brushing, you have a case of bleeding gums. By observing your gums carefully in the mirror, you may notice swollen gums and changes in the color of gums. These signs of swollen gums, gum bleeding and pale pink gums should not be ignored. Here’s what you need to know if you notice bleeding in gums and swollen gums.

What causes gum bleeding?
Gum bleeding can be caused by several factors and is also an indication of gum infection and gum diseases. These are the factors that cause gum bleeding.

Bacterial infection
Bacteria deposit on the surface of teeth and the gum-line in a sticky layer called plaque. This plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing regularly. If, however, this plaque layer is not removed, it can thicken and form tartar which is a tougher form of bacterial deposition. Tartar cannot be removed by brushing and needs dental procedures to be eliminated.

These bacteria on the teeth and gums cause infections which manifest themselves in the form of swollen gums and gum bleeding. The most common symptoms of gum infection such as Gingivitis is gum bleeding. When gum bleeding occurs, it is a telltale sign of Gingivitis which is a gum disease. If not taken care of in time, gingivitis can develop into Periodontitis which is a severe gum disease. Pay close attention to your gums as this will help you identify the early symptoms of gum infection.

Poor oral hygiene
Poor oral hygiene in the mouth leaves the gums and teeth susceptible to plaque and tartar formation. Good oral hygiene is essential to get rid of plaque and tartar formation which can pave the way for bacterial infections and damage the teeth and gums. Brushing twice a day with a good fluoride toothpaste and flossing at least once a day is necessary to keep the teeth and gums clean and free of germs. Using mouthwash after brushing your teeth also helps prevent the growth of bacteria and other germs on the gums.

Certain types of medication that the patient may be on can also cause gum bleeding. Anti-clotting medication can cause thinning of the blood and lead to gums becoming more prone to gum bleeding. Signs of swollen gums may also appear.

Treatment for bleeding gums
Bleeding gums can be treated using certain home remedies depending on the nature of their condition.

Gargling with hot salt water is an effective remedy for bleeding gums

Massaging gums with clove oil or simply chewing on a piece of clove can cure Gingivitis and stop gum bleeding.

Tea tree oil mixed with water and used as a mouthwash is also effective in tackling bacterial infections in the mouth.

The treatment for bleeding gums depends on the cause of gum bleeding. In most cases simple home remedies work, however serious gum infections cannot be cured at home. Visit your qualified dentist in Edmonton for closer examination of your gums and suitable treatment for bleeding gums.

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