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While you may want your natural teeth for life, there are situations that demand extraction. Teeth are prone to damage because of a variety of reasons. Tooth decay, old age, crowding, injury, and infections are some situations that damage your teeth. Such decay and damage may also put your entire teeth structure at risk, especially when it affects your tooth roots. This is why oral extractions become necessary at times. Dentists at Downtown Dental will help analyze your oral issue, perform extractions, and suggest you the best replacement option.

Extraction with Downtown Dental

Downtown Dental understands the importance of your natural teeth and we do our best to help you retain them. Our dentist will first perform an initial examination of your dental problem by checking the damaged area and asking a few questions. An X-ray may also be required to determine the need for extraction. Our dentists are trained in skills required to perform a smooth extraction. Before pulling your teeth, anesthesia is injected to numb the area. The extraction is then performed. While this is the common way of performing teeth extraction, it may vary depending on your situation.

More You Should Know

We understand your sentiments regarding tooth extraction and make the process as painless as possible. However, encountering a small amount of pain and swelling is normal after extraction. Once the procedure is completed, our dentist will advise you with tips to deal with the pain and swelling, and on maintaining oral hygiene. In case the pain or bleeding remains severe after a few hours of extraction you must consult us immediately. You should also call a dentist if you suffer nausea or vomiting, cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain.

Replacement Options

Although extraction was necessary, you need not compromise with your facial structure. An empty tooth socket not only ruins your smile, but can also damages your adjacent teeth. Hence, once the procedure is completed, we suggest tooth replacement options like bridges, dentures, and dental implants. Dentists at Downtown Dental will recommend the best for you and help you with restoring your teeth structure.

Although permanent teeth are meant to last long, extractions become necessary in some situations. Contact us, we are here to help you with your oral problems.

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