Invisalign for Teeth Alignment

Naturally straight teeth are every individual’s dream but not all are blessed with it. Straight teeth not only enhance your appearance but also save you from dental problems caused by misaligned teeth. While braces are most commonly used for teeth alignment, they affect your facial appearance and thus, makes them a less preferred option for many.

Fortunately, due to technological development, today we have Invisalign for teeth alignment that can be used as an alternative for those who do not wish to compromise on their aesthetics. Invisalign is a new alternative to braces that treats misalignment and bite problems without affecting aesthetics of your appearance.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign, also called as removable clear aligners, are the latest teeth straightening devices used in dentistry. They are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. They are similar to teeth guards that fit over your teeth to align them. Unlike braces, you can remove Invisalign as per your need. From mild cases of crooked teeth, to teeth crowding to problems with your bite, Invisalign is an effective treatment for a variety of dental problems.

Get Invisalign at Downtown Dental

If you decide to get Invisalign for teeth alignment, you need to go through a series of steps before you achieve the desired teeth appearance.

At first, you need to undergo an initial consultation with an orthodontist. Orthodontists are dentists who specialize in correcting misaligned teeth and bite problems. Our orthodontists discuss the case in detail to determine if you’re the right candidate for Invisalign. They completely understand your worries and answer all your queries regarding the treatment.

In the next step, X-rays, pictures and impression of your teeth are taken, to create a 3D image. Using these graphics, the dentist evaluates the complexity of the treatment and the difference between the desired and current teeth positions, and suggests the number of Invisalign trays that will be required. With the use of these images, the dentist will show you how your teeth will move at each stage of the treatment. While every case is unique, an Invisalign treatment can take up to a year or more.

After a customized treatment plan is set, a series of custom-made clear aligners are created for you. They are created with the help of CAD-CAM (computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing) technology. Invisalign is made of smooth, comfortable, BPA-free plastic that does not cause irritation or affects your appearance. With every set of aligner trays that you wear, your teeth gradually shifts to the desired position.

Invisalign must be worn throughout the day except while brushing, flossing or eating. It is recommended that you wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day for the best outcome. Approximately, every two weeks, you will be required to wear a new aligner tray at every advance stage. To monitor your progress you will be required to visit the dentist every 6 weeks.

Living with Invisalign

Invisalign comes along with the benefit of minimal interference in your routine. Here are a few benefits enjoyed by people who undergo Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign trays are custom made for each patient. Depending on the complexity of the treatment, you get Invisalign that comfortably fits your teeth. Unlike braces, Invisalign is free of wires and bands and hence, does not cause any irritation in your cheeks and gums.

Oral Hygiene

Invisalign for teeth alignment does not impact your oral hygiene. Their removable nature allows you to brush and floss your teeth easily. Cleaning your aligners is just quite easy. With the help of an Invisalign kit, you can simply brush and rinse them in lukewarm water.

No Restrictions

You can remove your aligners while eating. This means you can eat all your favorite foods without worrying about food getting stuck or breaking the device. Even if you are involved in active sports, you can play to your heart’s content without facing any irritation from Invisalign.

After Treatment Care

You are free to show your beautiful smile on completion of the treatment. The dentist might recommend retainers to keep your teeth in position. They may either be fixed or removable. In either case, you must follow a good ritual to maintain your oral hygiene. Going for routine dental checkups after the treatment ensures a good oral health.

With new developments, we are able to correct moderate as well as serious dental problems through Invisalign. Crooked or crowded teeth not only hamper your appearance but also lead to dental issues like tooth decay. Therefore, it is best to get them evaluated and aligned. The option of Invisalign is apt for today’s busy lifestyle.

If you seek to straighten your teeth, we can help you choose the best option to achieve the perfect smile.