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Safeguard Your Child’s Dental Health

Safeguard Your Child’s Dental Health

Children are at a higher risk of developing various dental problems. The most common threat to your child’s dental health is cavities and decays. With today’s eating habits, the chances of your child getting a severe decay or pit and fissure cavity is very common. Children have immense love for chocolates and sweets, snacks, junk food, and […]

Is Chewing A Gum Good For Dental Health?

If you are thinking is chewing gum good for your dental health, you must understand that it’s the type of chewing gum that matters. There are chewing gums that contain sugars and acids that trigger the chances of cavities and decays. Most individuals, especially parents think that chewing gums are as bad as candies and chocolates […]

Causes Of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay has become a common problem that people of all ages face today. While some people fail to identify this dental problem, others overlook the serious consequences of tooth decay. Some common symptoms of tooth decay includes severe and continuous toothache, bad breath and bad taste while eating, swelling in gums near the affected […]

Post Tooth Extraction Care

We all have gone through the tough days after undergoing tooth extraction. If you have recently got a tooth extracted, here are certain do’s and don’ts, and tooth extraction care steps that you must follow to avoid any further serious problem. Sleep at an Elevation Bleeding after the tooth extraction procedure is normal. Along with pressing […]